Category Fishing

The Ultimate Electric Beach Trolley

My beach trips just got a major upgrade! Imagine easily cruising down a sandy beach, all your gear perfectly organised in a custom-built electric beach trolley. I had been dreaming of this for a few years, so I began creating… Continue Reading →

Drone Fishing

Drone Fishing Drone fishing is something I took up early in 2017. I purchased a Splahsdrone with a remotely activated payload mechanism and learnt to fly it over a few weeks. In fact, I ended up completing my commercial RePL… Continue Reading →


Walpole is a small town about 430km south-southeast of Perth and 6o odd clicks from west of Denmark. Walpole township sits on the northern edge of the Walpole Inlet, surrounded by old Karri and the giant Tingle forests. We stayed… Continue Reading →


Tailor Fishing Tailor (Pomatomus saltatrix) is a pelagic, fast-swimming predator fish with a robust and streamlined body. They have two separate dorsal fins and a forked tail, and their large jaws stretch back beyond the eye with a single row of… Continue Reading →

Fiddler Ray

Fiddler Ray I had no idea I’d hooked up a Fiddler ray but twenty minutes later soon found out.  Given the effort pulling it in I thought I’d see how it cooked up. They seem to be know by a… Continue Reading →

Donnelly River

Donnelly River Donnelly River covers a fair size area of the South West region of Western Australia. Nearby a former timber mill town is now a heritage holiday destination. The access point to the Donnelly River boat ramp is about… Continue Reading →

Catch 22

Australian Fisheries Catch 22 A Catch 22  is a problematic situation for which the only solution is denied by a circumstance inherent in the problem or by a rule. For Australia in terms of fishing this is true. The ocean has… Continue Reading →

Camping Wishes

Your Camping Wishes ? OK so you have just won a million bucks… what are your camping wishes? We would love to hear the places, activities, events or experiences you really would like to experience in Australia. I’ve spent a life… Continue Reading →

Dalyellup Fishing

Dalyellup Fishing Living in Bunbury Western Australia means I have access to some good fishing beaches like Dalyellup fishing. I can drive to the beach in about 10 minutes, down the ramp and position myself on the beach for a… Continue Reading →

Cervantes Fishing

Cervantes Fishing We found a great spot to launch the 12-foot dinghy off a beach south of Cervantes. North of Grey. We have been back a few times, camped on the beach and both beach-fished and taken the boat out…. Continue Reading →

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