Tag swags


Yamarna My father took up the Yamarna Station lease of 360,00 acres (about 140,000 hectares) in 1963. Yamarna itself had no houses or buildings. There was one Government water well about a mile from where the homestead was. The ‘Well’… Continue Reading →

Camping Wishes

Your Camping Wishes ? OK so you have just won a million bucks… what are your camping wishes? We would love to hear the places, activities, events or experiences you really would like to experience in Australia. I’ve spent a life… Continue Reading →

Romance of the Swag

Romance of the Swag The Romance of the Swag 1907 Henry Lawson ——————————————————— The Australian swag fashion is the easiest way in the world of carrying a load. I ought to know something about carrying loads: I’ve carried babies, which… Continue Reading →

Buying a Swag

Buying a Swag When buying a swag, I guess we start with, ‘how much do you want to spend?’ A basic swag can be purchased for a little over a hundred dollars. Buying a sway with all the bells and… Continue Reading →


Swags Swags in Australia today are a little different from what Henry Lawson described in his 1907 poem The Romance of the Swag. In Henry’s days, and before motorised transport, it contained the whole kit-and-kaboodle, clothes, bedding and belongings. The… Continue Reading →


Resources These are a list of resources and oddities or miscellaneous bits and pieces that some might find useful and interesting. Swags Swagology (my invention for the study of swags) can tell you quite a bit about a person.  … Continue Reading →

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