Tag Motorcycle

Camping Wishes

Your Camping Wishes ? OK so you have just won a million bucks… what are your camping wishes? We would love to hear the places, activities, events or experiences you really would like to experience in Australia. I’ve spent a life… Continue Reading →

Fun In The Sun

Fun In The Sun by Vaughn Fun in the sun – Being an unconventional nonconformist has been descriptive that has placed me in some exciting situations, from the company of former tennis champion Martina Navratilova at Wimbledon to that of… Continue Reading →

Out For A Spin

Out For A Spin Emily Minter and Andrew Longmire in mid-2007 packed their motorbike into a crate and sent it from Australia across the seas. In their own words they had a brilliant ‘autumn of our lives’, chased south by… Continue Reading →

Louisana Auntie

Louisana Auntie (A Very Good Run) Louisana Auntie by Mel Goudge (Ellensburg, Wa,, USA) It had been a good run — over Lolo Pass into Montana, then over Beartooth Pass into Wyoming, then and out over the Bighorns onto the… Continue Reading →

Motorcycle Camping FAQ

Motorcycle Camping FAQ A few motorcycle camping FAQ (frequently asked questions) as asked by visitors to the site: I am writing to ask for more specifics about what you carried on the Hobart-Cairns trip, so here goes. Specifically, did you bring… Continue Reading →

Motorcycle Touring

Motorcycle Touring BSA 125 While some of these bikes can’t be classified as ‘motorcycle touring’, I’ve included the list of bikes I have had over the years… The first bike I ever rode was my father’s BSA 125 Bantam. Guess… Continue Reading →

Motorcycle Panniers

Motorcycle Panniers There are many styles of motorcycle panniers suited to many different uses. Most touring panniers come in pairs. The larger models hold enough equipment for self-sustained tours over days or weeks. Including sleeping gear, food, and cooking equipment…. Continue Reading →

Finke Desert Race

Finke Desert Race The Tattersall’s Finke Desert Race is an off-road, multi-terrain two-day race through desert country from Alice Springs to the small Aputula (Finke) Community. The race crosses the Finke River, believed to be the oldest river in the… Continue Reading →

Motorcycle Camping

Motorcycle Camping Motorcycle camping is a relatively inexpensive way to travel and is an exhilarating adventure. There are, of course, challenges, namely the need to travel with minimal gear. These days many people stay in hotels/motels or cosy cabins, reducing… Continue Reading →

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