Tag farming


Yamarna My father took up the Yamarna Station lease of 360,00 acres (about 140,000 hectares) in 1963. Yamarna itself had no houses or buildings. There was one Government water well about a mile from where the homestead was. The ‘Well’… Continue Reading →

Curing Bacon

Curing Bacon When curing bacon, weigh the sides, hams and cheeks. For every 14 lbs of meat, allow 1 lb of salt and 2 ounces of saltpetre. Rub this into the meat thoroughly for two days, and turn the meat…. Continue Reading →

Farming Tips

Farming Tips I guess you might ask quite reasonably, what in the blazes am I doing offering farming tips on a camping site! Well quite truthfully, I simply couldn’t resist given my rural background. It is not my intention to… Continue Reading →

Shearing Sheep

Shearing Sheep My first real job after leaving school at 16 was working in shearing sheds as a rouseabout, hoping that I would quickly learn to shear and get a ‘pen’. A page out of my tattered old Tally book… Continue Reading →


Resources These are a list of resources and oddities or miscellaneous bits and pieces that some might find useful and interesting. Swags Swagology (my invention for the study of swags) can tell you quite a bit about a person.  … Continue Reading →

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